Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hooray!!!!!!!!!! Hope there's not going to be test!

That was fun! Thanks for introducing me to all these new technologies. Some I will use in the future and some I can't remember how to get back to. But overall it a very enjoyable experience (frustrating at times) but for the most part enjoyable.

#22 Listen NJ

I did it! Listen NJ looks to be a great tool for patrons who like the audio books. Being able to check them out on their own from their own computers to an MP3 player or to be able to burn it to their own CD is very nice.

Thing #21

I had some problems getting some of the podcasts to play. I got this one to play. It's a news cast. I'm sure we've all watched them at one time or another. It's good to be able to get this kind of stuff on a computer anywhere with access.

Monday, May 19, 2008

#20 You tube

If you've never seen this before you will be amazed at this artist. There are a few videos of him on you tube. Be sure to check tham all out.

#19 Web Awards 2.0

I liked Pandora for music. It's like having an i-pod on your computer with a few extra's.
I also liked Wipbox. It gave prices for items on e-bay and Craigslist. It also gave comparisons of the two for an item for average price, high price and what percentage each site had of an item for sale. It was easy to get prices quickly.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

# 18 (almost there)

I liked Google Docs. The similarity to Word was very good. And being able to use it anywhere with net access is great!


That was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thing #16 Wiki's

I liked looking at what other libraries are doing. It is a good tool for getting ideas for programs and how they do things.

OCL's Wiki page had alot of good information. Some things that I didn't know and I've worked here for 25 years! I enjoyed it very much.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Library 2.0

What's next?! HMMMM!!

Learning about the way customers can ILL items is frightening ( in a good way I guess!) to someone who works in that department.


I liked Technorati for current events. There were also alot of articles that you wouldn't find in regular news sites. I also liked being able to blog with others about the articles.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I like the idea of being able to "take all my favorites with me" on other computers. Tagging is great too if your working on a project and want to keep all your information together. Seeing what others are tagging is also very helpful in looking for information and websites.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thing #12

Net Library seems to be a good resource for the downloads. To be able to download a book to your own MP3 player for free is a great concept. I also like to idea of being able to find books or manuals after library hours. Especially with a "last minute student" at home.

WorldCat is another story. Working in the ILL Dept. customers are now telling us where to get the books they want. This doesn't always work out because some of the libraries that own the item are not lenders to us or the item does not circulate. We have had to deal with some of these "know it all customers" already.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Thanks to EO I got the list on my blog. I enjoyed seeing what others had in their library and being able to see their reviews of the books. The groups were pretty interesting too. There was group that was going to watch one of the Harry Potter movies at the same time then discuss it on here. That would be fun to do.

Friday, May 2, 2008

In addition to #10

We bought Shelby a digital TV for Christmas. First of all, Jeff couldn't believe we were walking out of the store with a TV in one hand the size of a suitcase! Then come to find out with the DVD player built in she can play DVD's and music and she can insert her SD card from her camera and have a digtal photo slide show on her TV. Pretty amazing if you ask me!

Thing #10

I went to the NY Times Technology page. I enjoyed reading the reviews on the digital cameras. I read about the camera I own and the Smart Phones. That's a good name for them because you can do just about anything with them.

Thing #9

I liked Topix it seemed to be the easier of the the three to get around on. It brought me directly to news and topics. Technorati was a bit more confusing. Too technical for me maybe.

I am finding all this very interesting.

I found out for myself!

The RSS feeds don't need to be moved over to this blog! Hooray!!! I did find them very interesting and very handy.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


OK, am I supposed to be able to move the RSS feeds over to this blog? If so, I'm not sure how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.
